
Property is a portion of information about some product. For example, turbofan engine has ‘fan diameter’, ‘static thrust’ and ‘bypass ratio’ (and many more) properties. All structured properties can be one of two kinds:

  • Measurable property
  • Enumerable property

Measurable property


Each measurable property are derived from physical Quantity. For example, basic physical quantity Length are used for several product properties - Width, Range of a projectile, Maximum range, Typical measuring range etc. Each quantity have a list of units - for Length it’s a metre, inch, yard etc. All units in one Quantity can be easily converted to each one.

Here is an example Quantity: Length on site.


Screen-shot taken at 30 jan 2015.

Unit m (metre) marked as base with Factor = 1. This mean what all units for this quantity are based from metre - for example, kilometre has a Factor = 1000 (one thousand metres).

Users can extend list of quantities, units and properties.


See an example Property: Maximum range, fully loaded on site.


Screen-shot taken at 30 jan 2015.

This property based on Length quantity, and used in some products.

Measurement conditions in properties

Measurement condition mean what some amount of this property for some product could be measured only in some condition.

See an example Property: Cruising speed on site.


Screen-shot taken at 30 jan 2015.

Cruising speed for airliner could be measured precisely only if Altitude value are fixed.

Enumerable property

Enumerable property is a parameter with list of predefined values. For example, ‘IP’ (Ingress Protection Rating) can be ‘IP22’, ‘IP67’ etc.

Here is an example Enumerable property: IP on site.

Users can extend list of enumerable properties and values.